Looking for a Change? Here Are Some High-Paying Tech Jobs You Can Do Without a College Degree | Key Technical Resources, Inc.

Looking for a Change? Here Are Some High-Paying Tech Jobs You Can Do Without a College Degree

January 22, 2021

You’d be hard-pressed to find a job field expanding as rapidly as the tech industry. New opportunities show up every day at every rung of the ladder and, for the most part, the only thing that matters is your skill with the subject matter.

When most people think about a career in information technology, they find themselves concerned about the amount of education required to enter. After all, to dive into the intricacies of software and hardware development, one must need at least a college education, right? Wrong! With help from local IT staffing agencies in Fort Lauderdale, FL, you can find a worthwhile career in the tech industry without a college degree.

Here are some of the most popular options.

Web developer

Many companies might claim that a college degree is a must for a job as a web developer, but the truth is that a self-taught web dev is just as valuable as one with a college degree. It’s mostly a knowledge-based position, so if you can demonstrate your talent with code, you have just as good a shot as anyone.

Digital marketer

Embrace the digital age as a marketing professional focused on interpreting advertising and buyer trends. You’ll network with customers, look at hard data and work to make sure your company’s brand winds up in front of as many different customers as possible.

Computer support specialist

Are you the type of person who enjoys helping others and solving problems? Are you the designated gadget-fixer in your family? Then call on a local IT staffing agency in Fort Lauderdale, FL to help find you a position as a computer support specialist. These IT experts troubleshoot all manner of software and hardware malfunctions for clients all around the world.

Cybersecurity specialist

The entire world is moving online. That means more and more people rely on the internet as a secure means of communicating and doing business. That’s where a cybersecurity specialist enters the picture. Identify and eliminate digital threats of every nature to keep users safe while they’re on their computers.

Graphic designer

If you’re wary of the IT field for fear that there is too much of an emphasis on analysis and numbers, you should know there are plenty of opportunities to tap into your creativity as a graphic designer. Impact the internet’s very aesthetic when you combine light programming and art skills to create websites, logos and more.

Find your dream job

Of all the local IT staffing agencies in Fort Lauderdale, FL, no one puts more energy into a clients’ future success than Key Technical Resources, Inc. We have a 20-year reputation for excellence as a staffing agency and countless satisfied and successful clients to prove it.

In addition to our IT focus, we can also fill positions in accounting, finance, administration, marketing and more. Whether you need a temporary or permanent job, or are looking to fill a position at your organization, we can help! Contact us today to find out more about what we can do for you.

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